Living in a large family can be madness sometimes.

Living in a large family can be madness sometimes. But it's absolutely worth it.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My Saturday

February 16th, 2013

Okay, first of all, I’m changing up my siblings’ names on here. (Sorry!) It was pointed out to me that I referred to my siblings in numbers as well as The Doctors, and it got confusing, sooo… One is Dysprosium, Two is Titanium, Three is Lanthanum, Five is Vanadium, Six is Nitrogen, Seven is Meitnerium, Eight is Carbon, Nine is Potassium, and Ten is Argon.
Today started as an average Saturday. I woke up late and practically immediately got on the Internets. After a while, when I was on Facebook, I discovered that my dear friend Nichole was on as well. So after talking to her for a little while, I realized that she wasn’t doing her work either. A brilliant plan struck me After a moment, I had an idea, and put it Nichole in the form of a suggestion. She accepted it, and so we would get off of Facebook for a half hour, tell each other what we did, and then repeat the cycle. It helped me a considerable amount, and I achieved most of my goals in about an hour. (Trust me, that’s a bit of a record)
We had a younger couple over for lunch, which was super fun, ’cause I’m extroverted, and as an extrovert who is very often at home with no visitors, it didn’t matter if they didn’t talk to me much. Let’s see…
Honestly, not much happened, but in a previous post on a different blog, I answered random questions, and one of the questions was ‘what is your happiest memory?’, or something along those lines, and I remembered my surprise Birthday party from last year! And theeen I read a post about a fellow Whovian’s Birthday where she had a TARDIS cake, sooo I figured I’d post pictures of my schweet TARDIS cake!

And with that, I’m off to bed, because it’s late, and I’m tired! :D

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