Living in a large family can be madness sometimes.

Living in a large family can be madness sometimes. But it's absolutely worth it.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

By The Way, I'm a Whovian

January 31st, 2013

So as you may have noticed by now, I’m very much a Whovian, and today, I found a Doctor Who quote test, and I thought that it sounded super fun! So I took it, and I quickly realized that they had no quotes from the new series. Which was rather sad-making, since I’m very well-versed in those episodes (which just shows how much I don’t have a life), and although I’ve seen several classics, I don’t know them as well.
In any case, I still did it. Many of them were guesses, but there were four quotes that I knew what episodes they were from as well as knowing which Doctor said it, so I think I deserve extra points for that. Here are the quotes that I knew just about everything about… (and if you’re planning to take this quiz, take it before reading these answers.)

“I am he, and he is me.” Three said this to Jo Grant while they were in the TARDIS, and not long after Two had appeared. This quote was from The Three Doctors, and I even know Jo’s response, “and we are all together, coo-coo ca-choo?”
“An apple a day… no, never mind.” Five said this in Kinda.
“So you’re my replacements (, then)? A dandy and a clown[.]” One said this to Two and Three in The Three Doctors. For some reason, whoever wrote this quiz left out the ‘then’, and made the second sentence a question as well. Although I suppose I could be the one remembering it wrong.
“Shoes.” Three said this in Spearhead from Space, and although it seems strange that I’d remember that, you’ll have to trust me when I say that Jon Pertwee made it very memorable.

In any case, I got a 110, having missed eighteen. I was classified as normal fan. 
This is what the site says…
“While not as interesting as the finatical fan, you are, at least, a more well adjusted human being.  You love the show but do realize that it is just a TV show. (Wow, that was hard to type!)  You’ve never written Jerry Springier begging for a, “My Dalek, My Lover” episode or sat for hours, trying to figure out exactly how Glitz expected to get Ace back to Earth since he comes from a time after the Earth was supposedly destroyed, or why Leela left the Doctor to marry a man she hardly knew and live on a planet where she would be constantly indoors and not allowed to have a knife… You simply love the show and accept these little inconsistencies. (Although the mere idea of Leela consciously deciding to live indoors without weapons or any excitement at all for the rest of her life is so utterly ludicrous it makes me want to… oh, wait… sorry about that.  You’ll have to excuse me.  I’m a finatical fan….)”
First, is a finatical fan an actual term? I wonder if they meant a fanatical fan, although that would be a bit redundant. Second, I will admit that I’ve never written Jerry Springier, mostly (well, actually, probably entirely) because I’ve never heard of him, and I suppose I’ve never thought about Glitz thinking he could take Ace back to earth, but I did, in fact, think it strange that Leela (and I’m not linking to a Wikipedia page for her for a reason) just left The Doctor like that for a life such as that. And as long as we’re talking about girls leaving The Doctor randomly, let’s not forget Vicki, who also left The Doctor to stay in the medieval times only a few days after meeting a guy. There was also Susan, but I suppose it was more The Doctor dumping her than her deciding to leave (and he said he’d come back, too! I’m starting to think that he didn’t mean it. Either that, or he forgot about his own Granddaughter…).
They have a step up from a normal fan, and I suppose I don’t fit that description, but I fit that more than I fit the normal fan, and I barely got into the normal fan classification. For some reason, I’m disappointed that I didn’t get a higher score, even though I know I’m so much more of a Whovian than the creator/s of that quiz make me out to be.

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