Living in a large family can be madness sometimes.

Living in a large family can be madness sometimes. But it's absolutely worth it.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Meteor Shower!

August 12th, 2013
So there was a meteor shower last night. Apparently, there's also one tonight, so that's exciting. :D But anyway, last night, I went outside and lay on our trampoline at about 10:30 while my family was still watching Gladiator. There was some cloud cover, so I didn't see any meteors, but I thought it was gorgeous. I didn't stay out there long, though, because I'm addicted to Facebook. But at around 11, when most of my family was outside, I went and joined them. Two were on the roof, which was apparently the better place to be because they saw about three meteors before us on the trampoline saw any. But that was okay, because I was busy making up a story with Nitrogen by each one adding one word. We didn't get very far on it before we were distracted, and so started another one, this time with Dad and Mom, and occasionally, Carbon and Potassium. I very much doubt I'll get it fully right, but I somehow remember this story fairly well.

     Once upon a time, there was a fat man who really wanted cake. But he couldn't have cake because he couldn't lose weight that way, so he decided to eat garlic while whistling a happy dirge.
     Suddenly, a giant spider smiled at his terrified companion. She leaped back and swiftly blew bubbles at him, then used her sword to stab the spider's eye. Unfortunately, no one knew the technique that could save the universe from definite destruction....

I lose it there. But yeah... that's how random it was. Anyway, while that story was being created, I believe I saw about three meteors, but I'm sure more than that passed by in that time. Oh, and Nitrogen let me hold his hand almost the whole time, so that was happy. :) Then I believe Meinerium and I made up a story together, during which time Dysprosium came out and Dad, Mom, Lanthanum, Potassium, and Argon went inside. Mine and Meinerium's story really made no sense at all, which is all I remember about it, so we started another one with Nitrogen which also only made sense in the very slightest, but it was still fun because it caused much laughter. :) Then I had the idea to make it so that we contributed sentences rather than one word each, and we got Dysprosium to join, so we told a story about a purple elephant and savage townspeople. After that story, we accidentally figured out how the Q came about. This particular story was really short, but Meinerium started it by introducing us to some astronauts in the depths of space that were observing a black hole, Nitrogen said they were eaten by the black hole and found themselves in a realm where time and space meant nothing, and I said that these astronauts later became known as the Q. I said my sentence very conclusively, so Dysprosium was kind of left with "the end", but we're all quite delighted that we finally discovered where the Q came from! :D I think we only told one or two stories after that, and then we went inside, at which point it was nearly one in the morning.

August 13th, 2013
Last night, I was more prepared. I wore knee socks as well as shoes ('cause last night I didn't have any shoes... I had socks, but it was still cold), plus I had cloth all up both my arms and even on my hands for sort of makeshift fingerless gloves. Oh, and a trench coat and my suuuuper long scarf that Dysprosium gave me. So I was all prepared for coldness and stuff. I went outside at nearly midnight and expected Vanadium, at least, to be out there. However, I quickly discovered that Dysprosium had gone on a walk and had took Vanadium with her. So I decided to take my Kindle outside since I was alone out there because I knew several of my friends in a group chat on Facebook were online, plus, my Kindle was actually fully charged! (That's a rarity at this stage.) When I got on Facebook, there were three Good Friends online, but not long after I'd gotten on, two left. So I talked to Jj until about two at which point Becca joined in! And then Becca's older brother joined for a little bit, sort of... and then Yuri joined in, and it was joyfulness for a while, and then we all went to bed. Despite having a Kindle in my face for a lot of the time, I saw twelve meteors! Oh, and around 1:30, I thought I heard a wildcat, but I think it was actually the neighbor's sprinklers turning on... at 1:30 in the morning. Seriously, though, not long after I heard a hissing noise that I thought was a mountain lion, I heard the neighbor's sprinklers going!
Okay, so I may not have seen a lot of meteors, but last night was my first time seeing the night sky from a roof that I remember... well, when I was about seven we would watch fireworks from my Uncle's roof, but still. It was beautiful! I loved looking at it sort of upside down, it was disorienting in a really neat way. Also, I didn't notice that the moon was somehow out of sight until one. I am so unobservant. :D Uuuum, so yeah, I stayed up far longer than I did last last night and didn't feel as tired by the time I went to bed. I must have been pretty fatigued though, 'cause my brain was really not working. I have witnesses! Anyway, I had a fabulous night. I don't think I'm gonna stay up that long any time soon, though. :)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

My Weekend On the Other Side of the State

As I believe all you regular readers know, I live very far away from my very good friends. This weekend (mostly Sunday), however, I was able to see several of them. This was because a girl who I hadn't actually met yet, Starski, decided she wanted to see as much of her friends as she could before moving up further north. I counted as one of those friends because she really wanted to meet me. :) (Yay mutual friends! :D ) So after a good amount of organizing and feeling like I wouldn't actually be able to be a part of it, my parents decided that they were okay with taking the time and gas to drive over there, even though it meant I wouldn't be able to go to a girl's Bible camp that was taking place the week before the Sunday in question. Still, I'm sooo grateful they allowed me to go. :)
On Saturday afternoon, the third of August, we (Dad, Dysprosium, Vanadium, and I) drove over to my friend's Jj's house, because he so kindly twisted his parents' arms to let us stay. ;) Actually, I'm pretty sure he didn't force them to keep us. :) Anyway, we arrived at his house at 7ish in the evening, and we were fed. ^_^ Theeen I'm pretty sure I spent the rest of the night conversing with Jj. Vanadium joined in as well, and Dysprosium... sat in. :) In any case, it was very enjoyable.
I awoke at 6ish the next morning... I usually have trouble staying awake at 7, so I was surprised to find that I didn't even feel tired at 6, especially since I didn't get to sleep until 1ish. Weird how other people being awake affects me. In any case, Jj had asked that I wake him up at 6, and I thought that'd be no problem seeing as I was planning to wake up at 6 anyway. But when I woke up he was already awake and talking to Dysprosium and Vanadium... whaaatever. Sooo for breakfast Jj made me tea and I had a breakfast cookie that my Mom had made previously and had us bring for sharing. :) We then left for the church that we had planned to meet at, which was, in fact, about half an hour from Jj's house. On the way, I read two chapters from a book (Deltora Quest, if you're interested) to Jj, and I suppose everyone else that was in the car, too. :) Then we sat outside of a Burger King because Jj's Mum wanted to get a drink and the drive thru (through!) was extremely slow. I don't know whether to add "that day" or not... I think I'll just assume it's not usually that slow, so, the drive thru was extremely slow that day. However, we still got to the church building in time for class and service, so yay. :)
Afterwards, we (Starski, Holly, Mitchell, Jj, Yuri, Andrew, Taylor, Krissi, to name a few, or perhaps the majority) went over to Uncle Kenny's house, which just so happens to be located right beside the church. (Like really, the church parking lot could almost pass as a parking lot for Uncle Kenny's house. Also, by the way, Uncle Kenny isn't biologically my Uncle... I just call him that. :) ) I had only brought some homemade potato salad to contribute to food, but almost none of the teens ate it (I guess because they thought it was cottage cheese... but I took the lid off and told at least a few people what it was), so I gave it to the adults, who thoroughly enjoyed it. So that's happy. :D Especially since I worked raaather hard on it. (My Aunt makes the best potato salad ever, (or at least, the best I've ever had, and I've had a few) and I felt like I needed to make mine up to par, especially since I was using her recipe.) Then, since everyone had gone off to watch Starski play Slender and I wasn't much interested, I played a bit of Portal on Jj's laptop until I felt like I was shunning people and watched Starski play Slender, which was actually rather amusing. :D Aaand I got to hug her at a time when I felt she needed it, so that's good. :)
I managed to stall our (mine and my travelling companions') departure until 4 in the evening, and even more accomplishy of me, I got us home in four hours rather than the expected five. I guess I can't get all the glory, though, especially since that would imply that I sped a lot, which I didn't do... a lot. The interstate was really rather clear. :) Though when we first entered the interstate, it was quite obvious that the interstate was not clear the other way. I was glad I was heading west rather than east.
So that was my weekend. 'Twas fabulous. This extrovert is happy. ^_^