Throughout the week, I made sort of journal entries. I wish I could say that I kept up with it and I did a post every day, but the week went faster than most weeks and I only got two entries done. Sooo I'll share those, possibly fill in the days that I didn't write anything on, and explain things throughout.
By the way, if you Koinonians are reading this, know that I generally don't put real names in these posts. I'm paranoid like that. So if I put in a nickname or a middle name instead of your actual name, now you sort of know why that is, and if you'd prefer your real name, let me know. :)
So far, so good! The drive took about six hours rather than five 'cause we were in stop and go traffic on the interstate for nearly an hour and a half, but once we reached the campground, all that was forgotten. The day seemed a liiittle slow for Kamp (no complaints from me), but I know for a fact that the week will seem to whizz by. I've experienced this. [Goodness, that is so true. The seven days that last week felt more like three days.]
So first, I'm going to try to get more detailed on Sunday. We got to the campground at about 3, and went through registration. I was put into G-1, where the oldest girls are. In that cabin, Anne was the counselor, and my cabinmates were Brittany, Miranda, Ariana, Anne Marie, Rachel, Lauren, Olivia, Christina, Missi, and Courtney. :) That was a great cabin, for sure. I had previously met many of them, and I was so glad to have met the ones I didn't know before. Although Sunday seemed kind of slow, I was very joyous to spend time with my friends.
On Monday... really, the only thing I remember was working to get Nitrogen to a different cabin 'cause he wasn't entirely happy with the cabin he was originally placed in. Honestly, I didn't do much, but I did start the ball rolling, and I'm not sure Nitrogen would have done that on his own. Monday night was scavenger hunt, which isn't what you might think it is. Rather than looking for items, we were split into groups according to our birth month and told to look for sort of qualities in a person in our group, such as who can do the best GLaDOS impersonation. I didn't do anything, as seems to be usual. It was still fun, though!
I FORGOT TO DO A THINGY YESTERDAY!!! Sooo, I met several people yesterday, including but not limited to Jj and Viktor. I think I most likely met others, but I can't remember whether those meetings were Sunday or yesterday or today. Oh, actually, I met Jj Sunday. Whaaatever. Yesterday, I got my second ticket in very nearly almost six years. [A ticket is a fun thing that we do at Kamp. During the week, the staff writes tickets to Kampers for silly things like dressing up as a unicorn. Then on Friday, the Kampers can write tickets to staff, like having too few Ts in their name. More than usually, though, they get turned around on the Kamper who wrote the ticket. For example, one year, our director Bret got a ticket from one of the Kampers, Brett, for missing a T in his name. He got the T chair. (Having a whole bunch of paper cut outs of Ts dumped on him.) It's good fun. :) ] On Sunday, I kept wearing different hats throughout the morning, so Aimee wrote me a ticket for it. I'm so happy! ^_^
Today, my friend Lee pretended to be The Doctor and my friend Nichole and I pretended to be his two companions! (No one in particular) Aaand our friend Yuri joined in and pretended to be Jack Harkness sometimes. (But don't worry, no flirting took place.) We were rather hoping to get a ticket, so after Court we sort of stopped. We didn't even really think about it. :) Oh, oh, so Jj talking in an English accent all the time (not that he's English), and now it's affecting me. Like, I even think in an English accent. I only hope it's rather good, otherwise it means I'm tormenting everyone with a badly exaggerated accent.
On Tuesday the ninth, we did underground church. That's where we pretend like we're in a different time or place (which one is left up to the players' imaginations) and we go out into the dark cold world. The staff pretends to be law enforcement, and at the beginning, no one is a Christian. As the game continues, more and more people convert (get a Bible verse written out on an index card). You can even try to convert a guard! :) Once the horn goes off, everyone runs up to the amphitheater and creates a big group. Then we make our way to the building and do our best to not leave. The guards can enter the circle or try and entice you to come out, but they can't drag you out. If you leave the circle, you lose the game. This year, I didn't win. I went out into the game pretending to be Susan Foreman (a Doctor Who character) and was completely open-minded. If someone had come up to me and asked, "hey, do you have the Word?" I was prepared to ask, "the Word? What?" and then they'd explain to me and I'd be converted! But no one did that. So instead, I stuck with my friends Yuri and Jj and my two brothers, Vanadium and Nitrogen stuck with me. The five of us lost wonderfully together. But after five years of winning, I didn't care. In fact, it was interesting to see "the blob" from the outside for once. I had spent my last five games finishing the game from inside the blob, and it put a new perspective on it. So that was fun.
On Wednesday, we went on a hike. I'd say what trail head, but that would sort of give away more than I'd like, 'cause I'm paranoid. (Sam, Bobbi, and Josh, you have not helped with my paranoia. <--They're staaalkers...) I did get a picture!
That doesn't quite capture it, but I did my best. Then that night, we played Jewel Hunt! That's a game that I really look forward to when Kamp comes around. In the Jewel Hunt, you go about to each station and solve a puzzle or complete a challenge to get a certain thing. From station to station, there are monsters chasing you and you have to avoid them. At the end, the top three groups sort of face off... at least, they faced off this year. It was a sort of race last year, and the year before that, they had each group do a sort of fight thing (it wasn't that bad) one at a time. The prize is M&Ms. :) Anywayyy, my team came sort of in second. I think it's so strange how my teams almost always seem to do really well. I'm pretty sure I have nothing to do with it. See, my first year, my team won. My second year was the year we didn't even come close. My third year, we were in the top three. My fourth year, I think we nearly made it to the top three. Last year, we made it in third place, and this year we were second. Sooo, I dunno. :) I'm a charm, I guess?
On Thursday, we had the flour bomb war. First, let me share my friend Yuri's status on it.
I hope he's okay with me posting that... anyways, that, I think, describes the flour war perfectly. There are two teams, the blue team and the green team. Iiit's basically capture the flag. :) Everyone has their own opinion on which one's better, but honestly, I find them equal. So every year, I shift. This year, I was blue. Naturally, that means we lost both wars. Ah, well. I'm just not a lucky charm in that. :) Then on Thursday night, we had the staff talent show. That was super fun. I don't think I can even describe its amazingness. :)
Very much later that night, four boys from B-1 got baptised. Mitchell, Nathan, Jj, and Yuri. Although Yuri had a stomachache the next morning, possibly from the lake water that got up his nose, that was so awesome. :)
Friday was the last full day, which made me super sad. For seriously, last week was the quickest year at Kamp ever. I kind of don't think I got even half my fill of friends, which I suppose is a little selfish of me. I got a week, and I wish I could figure out why I'm having such trouble with being content with that. At least I'm signed up for a girl's Bible camp called Higher Ground in a couple weeks, but honestly, Mom and Dad dunno how they're gonna get me over there or back. I just pray that it'll work out. Anyway, that night was the Kamper's talent show, or the real talent show, and among other things that were done, Yuri and I sang My Eyes from Dr. Horrible together. It was really fun to do, and I honestly really want to do it next year as well.
Oh, and also on Friday, for supper there was what's called banquet. It's where you're allowed to get fancy and sort of have a date. The staff serves you. :) I went with my fabulous brother, Nitrogen, who failed to dress up because he'd grown out of his fancy things. I, however, had a really cool dress along with a cloak.
By Saturday, I definitely dreaded the drive home. Saturday morning went normally, apart from getting up at 7:30 rather than 7, we had quiet time for fifteen minutes (where you sit down alone somewhere and read the Bible, or pray, or ponder life), did calisthenics, and ate breakfast. But after breakfast, everyone's split up by cabins and we clean up the campground and pack. Then your parents pick you up. We ate lunch at a friend's house, then drove home, away from all my friends. I really need to work on making friends closer to where I live. Having all of them so far away is painful.
But anyway! I had a fabulous time up there, and despite what I may make it seem like, I adore my family, and am so blessed to have been put into such an awesome family! I'm grateful for each sibling, and I try to be a blessing to my parents rather than a burden. :) (As suggested by Bobbi:) The end.